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Fort Macleod Men's League News


April 2018


We will try to update this page as much as possible this year with current Men's League News. 






























League News 2015 (July 1st)


Men's League got off to a very good start this year, with many new players it has been a great first half. We have seen our fair share of solid rounds with many players mentioning shooting the best rounds of their life. We have been treated to very nice weather only having to miss one scheduled night due to rain. We managed to use one week to finish that night off as well as host our first 3 man optional league scramble.


We had a very solid turnout for the 3 man scramble with 36 guys showing up on a scheduled league night off! After Nine holes Mark Meech, Ethan Q and Loren Feyter would win first with a score of 4 under par. Two teams would tie for 2nd place with scores of 3 under par. Darcy Donahe, Dan Smith and Ron Campbell would go on to beat Shawn O'Sullivan, Neil Coutts and Al Strandquist in a chip off.


The first half came to a close last week, Hurlburt Rock Products would finish the half in first place followed by SOS Golf, Herbs Service and Charlton and Hill. (The full first half standings can be found on a seperate tab). I would like to take the time to thank all of the team sponsor's, without their continued support the league would not be where it is today.


League News 2014


The Fort Macleod Golf Club would like to congratulate Herb's Service on climbing their way up from last place to win the 2014 Men's League Championship last year. We had a great season and look forward to the upcoming season.


The Fort Macleod Men's League will be hosting the annual fun scramble in May, stay tuned for more details on the scramble and league start dates.



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